BIOE Ph.D. Student Elected to BMES Board of Directors

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Bioengineering Ph.D. student Amal Shabazz was recently elected as a Student Representative to the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Board of Directors.

Shabazz is a graduate researcher in the Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials Lab (TEBL), led by Fischell Department of Bioengineering (BIOE) Chair and Distinguished Professor John P. Fisher. In the lab, Shabazz works to 3D print tissue and implants for breast cancer patients. An active student, NSF GRFP fellow, researcher, and advocate, Shabazz is excited to join the BMES Board of Directors to amplify the voices of students and promote ideas that support underrepresented groups in biomedical engineering.

Shabazz’s journey into biomedical engineering began from birth, inspired by her mother’s development of Rh-incompatibility, a potentially life-threatening condition that causes the immune system to attack the fetus’ red blood cells during pregnancy. She enrolled at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) with the intention of understanding the function of the body and the role of the immune system in recognizing and responding to foreign substances. As she progressed into more specialized classes in tissue engineering during her junior and senior years, her interest and comfort with the material grew. Shabazz was particularly drawn to tissue engineering as it aligned with her goal of directly impacting the lives of underrepresented patients through innovative medical solutions.

During her undergraduate years, Shabazz joined a research lab focused on tissue engineering, where she worked on projects related to osteochondral and neural tissue engineering. This hands-on experience solidified her desire to pursue a Ph.D., where she could have greater autonomy and contribute meaningfully to research projects.

Shabazz’s decision to pursue a Ph.D. was influenced by mentors like her undergrad research advisor, Dr. Treena Livingston Arinzeh, a trailblazer, accomplished researcher, and professor in biomedical engineering who inspired Shabazz. “I think a lot of what held me back—and what pulls other people back—is not having the experience of working with somebody that looks like them in the field, which makes them feel like their goals are unattainable,” Shabazz explains. “I think that having an opportunity to work with somebody like Dr. Arinzeh was very inspirational for me.”

Dr. Fisher—Shabazz’s current Ph.D. research advisor at UMD—recommended her for the BMES Board of Directors election. He highlighted her dedication, leadership, and passion for addressing health disparities through her research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He emphasizes Shabazz’s commitment to advancing underrepresented students in STEM fields and her proactive involvement in promoting diversity and inclusion within the bioengineering department, where she is a member of the BIOE Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee.

“From the first time I spoke to her during the graduate school interview process, she expressed her curiosity by asking thought-provoking questions about my research and about how she could lead the UMD bioengineering community,” Fisher says. “I quickly recognized her unwavering inclination toward learning and her genuine interest in working toward the creation of life-changing medical solutions.”

In addition to her academic journey, Shabazz was actively involved in organizations like the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) as an Academic Excellence Chairperson and the Black Student Union (BSU) as the Vice President during her undergraduate years. These experiences provided her with a supportive community and leadership opportunities that strengthened her skills academically and personally.

Shabazz’s current research at UMD focuses on 3D printing nipple-areola complexes for breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy surgeries. Her project aims to develop a functionalized implant that can integrate with host tissue and maintain projection over time, offering an alternative to current surgical approaches.

Looking ahead, Shabazz envisions using tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to address healthcare disparities in minority communities. She aims to develop therapies that are accessible and effective across diverse populations, emphasizing the importance of representation and inclusivity in biomedical research.

Congrats, Amal!

Story adapted from the Fischell Department of Bioengineering.

John P. Fisher Elected to BMES Board of Directors

Congratulations to Dr. Fisher as The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) announced his election to its Board of Directors beginning this fall. Fisher is a MPower Professor, Distinguished-Scholar Teacher, Fischell Family Distinguished Professor, and Department Chair in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering (BIOE) at the University of Maryland (UMD).

Fisher has been an active member of BMES for more than 20 years, having joined the society in 2003 and been named a Fellow of BMES in 2016. He has served in various roles in the society, including abstract reviewer, session chair, and track chair in numerous Annual BMES Meetings.

“I am thrilled to continue supporting BMES as a member of the BMES Board of Directors and to give back to the society that has provided us with so many opportunities over the years.”

John P. Fisher

Established in 1968, BMES is the world’s leading professional society for students, faculty, researchers, and industry professionals in biomedical engineering. With over 6,800 members, the society is committed to fostering an inclusive community to advance human health through education, discovery, and translation.

BMES hosts an Annual Meeting that brings together over five thousand biomedical engineers each year and puts on more than 2,500 scientific presentations, including talks on cancer treatment, heart disease, women’s health, global health disparities, and more.

In 2018, Fisher was the Co-Chair of the BMES Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, spearheading the large celebration of theBMES 50th Anniversary.

In addition to his work with BMES, Fisher has served in numerous member and leadership positions within partner societies, including the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE); the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE); the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF); the Society for Biomaterials (SFB); and the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS).

In many of his society positions, as well as in his role at UMD, Fisher has worked closely with historically underserved and underrepresented students, encouraging their participation in and passion for STEM careers.

“Recent events in our country and across the world have presented a number of challenges to our society and within our scientific communities—challenges around health, equity, and economics,” says Fisher.

In his new role on the BMES Board of Directors, he proposes to address these challenges with “continued, enhanced, and robust vigilance to support the work of the students, trainees, and young investigators of BMES. From reduced financial burdens to mentorship and expanded opportunities to share their work with the broader scientific community, our commitment to the next generation of biomaterial scientists and engineers is particularly needed at this critical juncture.”

Fisher currently serves as Past-President of the Americas Chapter of TERMIS and was the Co-Chair of the 2014 TERMIS-Americas Annual Meeting. In his TERMIS leadership roles, Fisher led efforts to broaden the TERMIS-Americas Chapter from North America to the entire Americas, established the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee within the chapter, and participated in a delegation to South Africa to launch Africa’s first tissue engineering society.

In addition, Dr. Fisher currently serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Tissue Engineering while serving on the editorial boards of key biomedical engineering journals such as the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part ABioprintingBiofabrication; and the Journal of Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine.

Story provided by the Fischell Department of Bioengineering.